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Fun City Facts
The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota is over 9.5 million square feet, or the size of 78 football fields.

The oldest carousel in the United States is located in the resort town of Watch Hill, Rhode Island.
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City Attractions and Entertainment

Aquarium of the Pacific

Aquarium of the Pacific
100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA 90802
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Discover the world's Pacific Ocean at the Aquarium of the Pacific. With more than 12,500 animals as you explore sunny Southern California and Baja, the frigid waters of the Northern Pacific, the colorful reefs of the Tropical Pacific, and the inhabitants, and ecosystems.

5437 E Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90803
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In 1982, the Gondola Getaway was first to offer Venetian style gondola cruises in the United States. Enjoy a relaxing cruise around the canals of Naples in the city of Long Beach, California. Sit back, sip on a cool beverage and let gondoliers row you back in time.

July 26, 2024

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