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A marker on the 13th step of the Colorado capital building in Denver, Colorado is precisely 1 mile above sea level.

The world's largest man-made waterfall is 438 feet tall. It is the spillway over the Shasta Dam in Redding, California.
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City Facts

City Name: San Francisco
Nickname: Golden Gate City
Incorporation Date: April 15th 1850
Population: 799,263
Metro Area Population: 4,153,870
Elevation: 63 feet
Average High Temperature: Jan 56°F / July 72°F
Average Low Temperature: Jan 42°F / July 54°F
Time Zone: Pacific

City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B
San Francisco, California 94102
(415) 554-4000

Convention and Visitors Bureau
201 Third Street
Suite 900
San Francisco, California 94103
(415) 974-6900

Interactive City Map

July 27, 2024

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