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Boeing's final assembly plant, the world's largest building, is located in Everett, Washington.

A marker on the 13th step of the Colorado capital building in Denver, Colorado is precisely 1 mile above sea level.
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City Dining

Baja Fish Tacos
Morton's The Steakhouse

Baja Fish Tacos
3664 S Bristol St
Santa Ana, CA 92704
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A California favorite for those who like a bit of fish in everything. Enjoy the great eclectic food in a conventional environment.

Morton's The Steakhouse
1641 W Sunflower Ave
Santa Ana, CA 92704
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Morton's specializes in classic, hearty fare, serving generous portions of USDA prime aged beef, as well as fresh fish, lobster and chicken entrees. Morton's is famous for its animated signature tableside menu presentation: steaks, whole Maine lobsters and other main course selections, along with fresh vegetables, are presented on a cart rolled to your table, where the server displays and describes each menu item in appetizing and entertaining detail.

July 27, 2024

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