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Features and Fun City Facts
Fun City Facts
The top of the Empire State Building in New York was buit to be a mooring place for dirigibles (Blimps).

The Space Needle, built in 1961 in Seattle, Washington is the first revolving restaurant.
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City Attractions and Entertainment

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum
Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument and Monument Circle

Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame Museum
4790 W. 16th St
Indianapolis, IN 46222
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One of the world's largest, most varied collections of racing, classic and antique cars is housed here featuring more than 30 Indianapolis 500 winning cars.

Soldiers' & Sailors' Monument and Monument Circle
1 Monument Circle
Indianapolis, IN 46204
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The Limestone used for the monument is gray oolitic limestone from the Romona quarries of Owen County. It stands 284 feet, 6 inches high, only 15 feet shorter than the Statue of Liberty. It cost $598,318 in 1902. It has been estimated that building a similar structure today would cost more than five hundred million dollars.

July 27, 2024

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