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Features and Fun City Facts
Fun City Facts
A marker on the 13th step of the Colorado capital building in Denver, Colorado is precisely 1 mile above sea level.

The largest city in area in the United States is Juneau, Alaska. It covers 3,248 square miles, yet the city population is fewer than 30,000.
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City Attractions and Entertainment

National Hispanic Cultural Center
New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science (Old Town)

National Hispanic Cultural Center
1701 4th St SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
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A world class center for Hispanic arts and culture featuring an art museum, a state-of-the art performing arts complex, a library and genealogy center.

New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science (Old Town)
1801 Mountain Rd
Albuquerque, NM 87104
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Experience New Mexico's origins, dinosaurs, & ancient seacoasts. Walk through a live volcano, meet the world's largest dinosaur and watch films on DynaTheater's 50-ft screen.

July 27, 2024

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