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Features and Fun City Facts
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A marker on the 13th step of the Colorado capital building in Denver, Colorado is precisely 1 mile above sea level.

The largest city in area in the United States is Juneau, Alaska. It covers 3,248 square miles, yet the city population is fewer than 30,000.
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City Attractions and Entertainment

Arizona Science Center
Phoenix Art Museum
Phoenix Zoo

Arizona Science Center
600 E Washington St
Phoenix, AZ 85004
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The Arizona Science Center has over 300 hands-on permanent exhibits, as well as special changing exhibitions. ALso, a planetarium show and giant-screen films.

Phoenix Art Museum
1625 N Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85004
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The Phoenix Art Museum has been open since 1959 and is is one of the largest general visual arts institutions in the Southwest. The collection includes over 17,000 works and spans the centuries.

Phoenix Zoo
455 N Galvin Pkwy
Phoenix, AZ 85008
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The Phoenix Zoo is the nation's largest privately-owned nonprofit zoo. It has more than 1,300 animals, including 150 endangered or threatened birds, mammals and reptiles from around the world.

July 27, 2024

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