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Features and Fun City Facts
Fun City Facts
The world's largest man-made waterfall is 438 feet tall. It is the spillway over the Shasta Dam in Redding, California.

The Space Needle, built in 1961 in Seattle, Washington is the first revolving restaurant.
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City Dining

Different Pointe of View
The Barbecue Company Grill and Café

Different Pointe of View
11111 N 7th St
Phoenix, AZ 85020
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Different Pointe of View offers guests breathtaking views, whether seated indoor or out, the sense of dining on top of the world cannot be ignored, second only to the outstanding Contemporary French Italian cuisine of Executive Chef Ivan Flowers.

The Barbecue Company Grill and Café
4636 S 36th St
Phoenix, AZ 85040
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Since the opening of our Grill & Café in 1998, it has gained considerable notoriety as a terrific lunch spot. GREAT BBQ HERE!

July 27, 2024

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