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Features and Fun City Facts
Fun City Facts
The oldest carousel in the United States is located in the resort town of Watch Hill, Rhode Island.

The world's largest man-made waterfall is 438 feet tall. It is the spillway over the Shasta Dam in Redding, California.
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City Attractions and Entertainment

Mardi Gras World
Musée Conti Wax Museum
Royal Carriages Since 1941

Mardi Gras World
233 Newton St
New Orleans, LA 70114
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Visit Mardi Gras World with thousands of sensational sculptured props and breath-taking giant figures it's the place where Mardi Gras is made. You'll see the artists as they build the floats for next year's Mardi Gras. It's a great place to get the Mardi Gras spirit year-round, and every tour includes free king cake.

Musée Conti Wax Museum
917 Rue Conti
New Orleans, LA 70112
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Founded in 1963, "The WAX" tells the fascinating story of New Orleans from her founding to the present day. Experience more than 300 years of History, Legend and Scandal with the 154 life-size figures displayed in historically accurate settings.

Royal Carriages Since 1941
1824 North Rampart St
New Orleans, LA 70116
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Take a carriage ride while you're in New Orleans and enjoy a tour of the French Quarter or the Garden District, past many landmarks of New Orleans, including Bourbon Street, the mighty Mississippi, and Jackson Square.

July 26, 2024

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